Do Something, Do Everything!

President Jimmy Carter is 100 yrs old today...
He is quoted as saying, "We become not a melting pot, but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams." This is the miracle of America - that so many different people have held together for so long.

Jimmy Carter has been exemplary in this regard. Since leaving office in 1981, he has been an advocate for human rights and basic human dignity. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his work in opposition to the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. This month, Jimmy Carter will cast his ballot for the first South Asian, Black, female President, a vote to save this Republic from a would-be dictator. He says he's excited to vote for Kamala Harris. As a nation, we have been inspired by his humble service over these many years. 

We have only 21 days till Early Voting. There is much to be done! Let's take President Carter's example and find where we can be effective! 

The four candidates that are most local, and therefore most influenced by our local efforts are:

Representative Mihaela Plesa - HD70. She has been targeted by the governor because she stood up to him when he tried to bargain with her to get her support for his voucher scam. He's putting his considerable weight (money and other resources) behind her opponent. This is a VITAL seat to retain and Mihaela has been an outstanding representative in her first term. Please find a way to support her campaign! 

Averie Bishop - HD112. She is working incredibly hard to flip this longtime Republican hold out in Dallas County. Polls say that she is tied with the incumbent, Angie Chen Button who is extraordinarily well-funded, but we know that hard work will win over money! Their campaign has a lot of opportunities to get involved, from phone banking and texting to door knocking and lit dropping. There is something for everyone to do! 

Sam Eppler - CD24. Sam has been working full time on getting the word out that there is a strong alternative to the MAGA extremist, Beth Van Duyne. This gerrymandered district goes from Richardson out to northwest of Fort Worth, but our candidate is so qualified, so exemplary, such a smart and hard worker, that we believe we can win! Please find a way to engage with them, whether you are in the district or not! He has 175 volunteers - let's help him get to 200! 

George King - State Board of Education 12. George has 40 years experience in education in the Plano ISD - 20 years as a teacher and 20 years as a principal. We need his wisdom and perspective on this crucial board. They decide on the curriculum for our schools and are currently trying to insert a Biblical curriculum into our public schools, violating the tenet of separation of church and state and marginalizing any student that doesn't follow that interpretation of the Christian Bible. George is running against an incumbent whose only claim to any educational experience is having been a salesperson for educational books. We need his voice on this board. Please support him!  

JOIN US for Allred vs Cruz Debate on October 15th! We will be there to cheer Colin on and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow Democrats! We will also have Colin Allred for Senate yard signs! We had a great time at the Presidential Debate last month and we'll have more room this time with an outdoor screen added to the party! Register for details! 

And of course, tonight is the Vice Presidential Debate! We won't be meeting for this one, but there are several events where you can gather to watch it. DCDP will be hosting an event and CCDP will be hosting an event.  Or you can watch it at home, on CBS or online, at 8:00 p.m. local time!

Let's Do This.


